This tip was originally submitted to the BendTrack website by Frank Knight. I'm not sure if Frank speaks of himself in this tip, or someone he knows, but the tip is pretty accurate either way. His message is quoted below, then we've added a few points of our own further down the page.
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An interesting idea to help identify people willing to form a club in your location is to advertise it in a home made newsletter. One such individual we know of that did this put information about the Bend Track system in the newsletter to explain what the club was going to do. He also put in a helpful tip or two about modeling. His name and phone was listed encouraging people to contact him to form the club.
Printing up a few dozen copies of an 8 1/5 x 11" piece of paper is inexpensive and something everyone has access to. Then ask local hobby shops if you can leave some on their counter for customers to take. Most hobby shop owners will not only agree, but encourage your efforts to get more people linked up and more actively involved in the hobby. It's good for business.
This was successful and they are now actively working on a series of Bend Track modules.
A similar approach that several groups have had success with is the smaller "Third-Sheet" brochures, giving a quick outline of the groups activities, upcoming shows or open houses, and contact information. These fit nicely in a pocket, and can be displayed with ease at a show for people to take as they view the layout. Much like the newsletter, these can be printed virtually anywhere ... most printshops will print and cut to size for a very nominal fee.
Something else that we see more and more groups doing are a simple business card. Typically, a picture or pictures on one side, and an e-mail address or website on the back side. Try to avoid using dates, as this can "age" a card, potentially making them obsolete before the supply has been used up. There are many companies, both local and internet based, which can design and print business cards for you, sometimes for as little as a few cents per card. Check out our "Links" page for a couple suggestions!
An interesting idea to help identify people willing to form a club in your location is to advertise it in a home made newsletter. One such individual we know of that did this put information about the Bend Track system in the newsletter to explain what the club was going to do. He also put in a helpful tip or two about modeling. His name and phone was listed encouraging people to contact him to form the club.
Printing up a few dozen copies of an 8 1/5 x 11" piece of paper is inexpensive and something everyone has access to. Then ask local hobby shops if you can leave some on their counter for customers to take. Most hobby shop owners will not only agree, but encourage your efforts to get more people linked up and more actively involved in the hobby. It's good for business.
This was successful and they are now actively working on a series of Bend Track modules.