This series of photographs was taken outside of Allen's module with slide film by Jim Gilley. Some of these pictures were featured in the November/December 1995 issue of N-Scale magazine in the article about Bend Track. One picture even served as the cover of the magazine.
The module is designed so that two separate scenes are created. The first scene is of a river with the double main of Bend Track crossing the river via a combination of Micro Engineering and Kato bridges. The stone supports are poured plaster from molds. The entire scene is detailed with a variety of techniques and materials.
John Sinclair's depiction of Spokane has changed many times in the last few years. New track has been laid, some has moved, and structures have been completely rearranged with some added and others left off.
The original version was among the very first scenic Bend Track modules in existence. He has taken these modules across the Midwest. They have been in shows from Des Moines to Minneapolis to Kansas City to western Nebraska.
Greg Shoemaker was inspired by a trip to Kansas City where he saw a grain elevator that seemed to go on forever. He built his version, in the two pictures above left, with the HO version of the Walther's ADM grain elevator. After spending many hours painting and weathering a 52 car coal train, Greg wanted a place to park it. He decided to model a coal power plant with a rotary dump, shown above in the two pictures at right. The dump is the structure covering the track in the center of the module. From here, the coal is carried by conveyor over to the power plant.
The second scene is separated from the first by a high ridge and tree line in the center of the module. This second scene is of a small farm.
Two working signals are triggered by photocell detectors so that the signal goes from green to red when the train passes the signal, and then times out back to green 15 seconds after the end of the train passes over the second detector at the end of the module.